2 Hogs and Oneeye

One-eye as usual was back last night collecting her usual handout of the nights meals leftovers. The hedgehogs are also becoming more frequent visitors to the scraps. Last night there was enough leftovers for One-eye and the hedgehog to feed at the same time without and fear shown by the hog.  

The weather must be giving way to spring as the hogs are returning from hibernation. Two of them where seen last night feeding for a long period of time together.  One has a very distinct which patch on its back which has led to the name "Patch". As with One-eye this hogs adventures are sure to be catalogued here.

Unfortunately we have had no sign of Ratel (the badger) for a while but hope to see him soon. The owls where very active last night with at least four being heard around the house. They where tawny owls from the calls. I got my night vision scope out to look for them and was able to see one in the trees across the field. I want to put the camera in the barn here to see if we have bats or owls in there. 
