Instantwild ZSL Camera-Trapping

Here is a camera trap post for all those of you interested in camera trapping. It is a website set up by the ZSL (Zoological Society of London) and asks for the publics help. I don't know how long its been running but my tutor brought it up in one of the lectures today. Basically there are camera traps set up around the world which are updated on the website. To help researchers the animals are identified by the public. This makes you feel as though you are helping with conservation, which you are. It only takes a second so check it out if you have time (link)
I have just received an iphone and downloaded the app. it allows you to do this wherever you are. If you have an iphone I recommend that version. Download it here (link)
Below are some images from the site following through the process of identification. In the last shot you can see how fraudulent identifications are reduced by going on the highest number of identifications.

Select the trap on the right

Click on the correct species

See what most people think and help science.

Incidentally if anyone else has an iphone and knows of any other good nature or photography based apps please comment and let me know. Thanks :)
