All Ears

Last night after a big christmas dinner there was the chicken carcass and a few other left overs promising to be a feast for the foxes (or rabbits as my aunty cant stop calling them for some reason). Hoping to get lots of visitors I fully charged the cameras batteries and put the camera out early.  When I went to collect the camera all the food had gone and I was looking forward to seeing who had been for christmas dinner.

The first shot was a great disappointment, it was the camera falling over. It landed facing at an odd angle.  The only shot that was captured was of a foxes ears and eyes. Looking at it it probably is Tiny, as he has both eyes so is not No-eyes or One-eye, and he is smaller than Rommel. 

I think Barney the cat annoyed that he didnt get a present off us and decided to push the camera over.

Anyway today is Boxing Day and that means another big meal. I hope the camera stays in place tonight and the foxes come for tea.


  1. me grammar might be poor.But I can tie a camera to a post. LOL>

  2. So can I but we have a cat called Barney here who has learnt how to untie it.

  3. i cant wait to see the video of that

  4. Hey Matt- what a great idea! I know that i get a badger in my garden at night in North Devon (holes and poo!) and would love to get a picture of it. Any advice about what I need and how to go about it would be much appreciated.

  5. Hi, I use a camera trap or a trail camera. You can see some here : . I attach mine to a low fence in the garden but you can place it just about anywhere. Also badgers love peanuts (not salted though) so sprinkle a few around near the camera to draw them closer.


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