Theres A Hedgehog On My Drive.

I havent updated here for about a week now as I have been, and still am busy preparing for a presentation I need to give for part of my course on Monday. I will resume normal service soon but I have a other presentation in May so there may be a slow down then too. Anyway onto this posts subject, a hedgehog.

Close up of spines
 When going out the other day I saw a hedgehog curled up by the bins that had been put out for collection. I left him there as the bin men were not due for a few days. By the time I got home he was gone. Yesterday when going for a walk he was on on the front driveway hunched under the gate.

Hind foot.

He was sitting on an ants nest maybe to clean himself in much the same way as jays do. He looked very comfortable and well.

Under the gate.
He allowed me to take these images before I left him rest in the sun. They are just emerging from winter here and this is the first I have seen all year.

Happy hog
You can see in the previous image his large front claws. These guys have a lot of defence against predators but not cars unfortunately.

Looking at the next image you can see how they are called "hogs". I have never noticed before but they do have a very pig like face especially when scrunching it up.

Hog face.
In other news I have had an email saying my cameratrap is on the way from china. It may take a few weeks to arrive but I cant wait. Expect the results of the camera up here.
